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McDowell Co
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Note: Some of these books may be out of print, but you will know what to look for in the library. Addresses for some authors are only partial.
Note number 2: The dates are generally the RECORDING date of the deed NOT the date the deed was written.
McDowell County [formed in 1842 from Rutherford & Burke]:
1. Census 1850 by Jo Ann F Surratt
2. Estate index by Mr. Robert T Allen
3. Marriage bonds (1797-1869 by Frances T Ingmire
4. Wills 1842-1910 by Grace Turner & Miles Philbeck
Mecklenburg County [formed in 1762 from Anson]:
1. Census 1840 by DAR
2. Court minutes 1774-1780 by Doris F Briscoe
3. Court minutes 1780-1800 by Herman W Ferguson
4. Court minuttes 1801-1820 by Herman W Ferguson
5. Court minutes 1821-1830 by Herman W Ferguson
6. Court minutes 1831-1840 by Herman W Ferguson
7. Court minutes 1841-1850 by Herman W Ferguson
8. Court minutes 1851-1860 by Herman W Ferguson
9. Deed books 1-9 (1763-1779) by Brent Holcomb
10. Deed books 10-14 (1778-1794) by Herman W Ferguson
11. Deed book 10 (1778-1779) by Laura Willis
12. Deed books 15-23 (1794-1836) by Herman W Ferguson
13. Estate index by Herman W Ferguson
14. Marriage bonds 1783-1868 by Brent Holcomb
15 Tax 1797-1807 by Herman W Ferguson
16. Wills 1763-1790 by Brent Holcomb
Mitchell County [formed in 1861 from yancey, Watauga, Caldwell, Burke, & McDowell]:
1. Census 1870 by Toe Valley Genealogical Society
2. Veterans census 1890 by Sally Williams
3. Court minutes (1861-1868) by Toe Valley Genealogical Society
4. Divorces, estates, & guardians by Mrs. Robert T Allen
Montgomery County [formed in 1779 from Anson]:
1. Census 1800-1840 by Stanley Co Genealogical Society
2. Census 1860 by Lea Morris
3. Census 1870 by Randolph Co Genealogical Society
4. Deeds (1774-1842) by Vivian P Jackson & Marilyn P Laird
5. Marriage bonds 1844-1868 by Frances T Ingmire
Morgan District (Superior Court):
1. Court minutes 1779-1806 Estates Records by Mrs. Weynette P Haun
2. Court minutes 1773-1807 Land Records by Mrs. Weynette P Haun
3. Court minutes 1788-1806 Slave & Miscellaneous Records by Mrs. Weynette P Haun
4. Criminal action papers (no date-1789) by Mrs. Weynette P Haun
Moore County [formed in 1784 from Cumberland]:
1. Bible records (2 vol.) by James V Comer
2. Cemeteries by A E Parker
3. Census 1860 by Doris A Askea
4. Census 1870 by Doris A Askea
5. Census 1880 by Doris A Askea
6. Vital statistics 1784-1890 by James V Comer
Nash County [formed in 1777 from Edgecombe]:
1. Census 1860 by Joan L Howell
2. Census 1870 by Joan L Howell
3. Census 1880 by John Walker
4. Court minutes 1778-1785 by Timothy W Rackley
5. Court minutes 1787-1793 by Timothy W Rackley
6. Court minutes 1798-1800 by Timothy W Rackley
7. Court minutes 1800-1804 by Timothy W Rackley
8. Court minutes 1804-1807 by Timothy W Rackley
9. Court minutes 1807-1811 by Timothy W Rackley
10. Court minutes 1811-1815 by Timothy W Rackley
11. Court minutes 1815-1818 by Timothy W Rackley
12. Court minutes 1818-1821 by Timothy W Rackley
13. Court minutes 1821-1823 by Timothy W Rackley
14. Court minutes 1823-1827 by Timothy W Rackley
15. Court minutes 1827-1828 by Timothy W Rackley
16. Court minutes 1829-1830 by Timothy W Rackley
17. Court minutes 1831-1833 by Timothy W Rackley
18. Court minutes 1833-1835 by Timothy W Rackley
19. Deed books 1-7 (1779-1801 by Joseph W Watson
20. Deed books 7-9 (1801-1818 by Joseph W Watson
21. Deed books 10-12 (1818-1829) by Joseph W Watson
22. Deed books 13-15 (1829-1835) by Joseph W Watson
23. Deed books 16-18 (1836-1851) by Joseph W Watson
24. Deed books 19-20 (1847-1855) by Joseph W Watson
25. Deed books A, B, E, & F (1778-1804) & State grants 1788-1804) by Timothy W Rackley
26. Deed books 3 & 4 (1782-1791) by Timothy W Rackley
27. Deed books 4 & 5 (1791-1813 by Timothy W Rackley
28. Deed book 6 (1794-1800) by Timothy W Rackley
29. Deed books 6 & 7 (1800-1818) by Timothy W Rackley
30. Early records 1777-1859 by Joseph W Watson
31. Estates 1784-1897 by Joseph W Watson
32. Estates 1829-1861 by Timothy W Rackley
33. Kinfolks 1778-1854 by Joseph W Watson
34. Slaves & cohabitatons 1862-1866 by Timothy W Rackley
35. Marriage bonds by Ruth Williams & Margaret G Griffin
36. Marriage bonds 1777-1887 by Timothy W Rackley
37. Marriage bonds (1783-1868) by Frances T Ingmire
38. Wardens of the Poor 1844-1869 by Timothy W Rackley
39. Voter registration 1902-1908 by Timothy W Rackley
40. Wills 1778-1868 by Ruth Williams & Margaret G Griffin
41. Wills 1777-1848 by Stephen E Bradley jr
New Bern District Court:
1. Estates 1775-1810 by Stephen D Bradley
New Hanover County [formed in 1729 from Craven]:
1. Bible, church, & family recordsof Lower Cape Fear (2 vol.) by New Hanover Generalogical Society
2. Cemeteries (9 vol.) by New Hanover Genealogical Society
3. Census 1800 by New Hanover Genealogical Society
4. Census 1830 by New Hanover Genealogical Society
5. Census 1840 by New Hanover Generalogical Society
6. Census 1850 by Mae B Graves
7. Census 1850 slave schedule by New Hanover Generalogical Society
8. Census 1860 by New Hanover Generalogical Society
9. Census 1870 census (3 vol.) by New Hanover Generalogical Society
10. Census 1880 (3 vol.) by New Hanover Genealogical Society
11. Delayed births (1879-1928) by New Hanover Generalogical Society
12. Front Street Methodist & Grace Methodist Church records by New Hanover Genealogical Society
13. St. James Church records (1737-1852) by New Hanover Genealogical Society
14. St. James Church records (1852-1872) by New Hanover Genealogical Society
15. St. James Church records (1873-1892) by New Hanover Genealogical Society
16. Confederate troop roster by New Hanover Generalogical Society
17. Court minutes 1739-1759 by Alexander M Walker
18. Court minutes 1771-1785 by Alexander M Walker
19. Court minutes 1786-1793 by Alexander M Walker
20. Court minutes 1794-1800 by Alexander M Walker
21. Court minutes 1801-1804 by John W Butler & A H Hutteman
22. Court minutes 1805-1808 by New Hanover Generalogical Society
23. Deed books A & B by Mae B Graves
24. Deed books C, D, & E (1744-1773) by A B Pruitt
25. Deed books F, G, & H (1754-1788) by A B Pruitt
26. Deed books I & K (1789-1793) by A B Pruitt
27. Deed books L & M (1794-1805) by A B Pruitt
28. Early records by Elizabeth F McKoy
29. Land Grants by Mae B Graves
30. Gravestone records by The Bookery
31. Gravestone records of Lower Cape Fear (2 vol.) by New Hanover Generalogical Society
32. Marriage licences (1843-1863) by New Hanover Genealogical Society
33. Marriages & deaths in Wilmington newspapers (1797-1842) by New Hanover Genealogical Society
34. Marriages & deaths in Wilmington newspapers (1843-1847) by Leora H McEachern
35. Marriages & deaths in Wilmington newspapers (1860-1865) by New Hanover Genealogical Society
36. Marriages & deaths in Wilmington newspapers (1866-1870) by New Hanover Genealogical Society
37. Marriage bonds (1779-1868) by Frances T Ingmire
38. Newspaper Wilmington Messenger (1887) by New Hanover Genealogical Society
39. Newspaper Wilmington Messenger (1889) by New Hanover Genealogical Society
40. Newspaper Wilmington Messenger (1905) by New Hanover Genealogical Society
41. Newspaper Wilmington Messenger (1906) by New Hanover Genealogical Society
42. Wilmington newspapers (1765-1775 & 1788-1797) by Raymond P Fouts
43. Wilmington newspapers (1798-1800) by Raymond P Fouts
44. Wilmington newspapers (1801-1803) by Raymond P Fouts
45. Wilmington newspapers (1804-1806) by Raymond P Fouts
46. Wilmington newspapers (1807-1810 & 1812-1816) by Raymond P Fouts
47. Wilmington obituaries 1998-2003 by New Hanover Genealogical Society
48. Taxes 1815 & 1845 by New Hanover Genealogical Society
49. Taxes 1836 by New Hanover Genealogical Society
50. Taxes 1865 by Delmas D Haskett
51. Taxes 1885 by New Hanover Genealogical Society
52. Taxes 1890 by New Hanover Genealogical Society
53. Voter registration 1902-1908 by New Hanover Genealogical Society
54. Will book AB by New Hanover Generalogical Society
55. Wilmington/New Hanover Safety Committee minutes by Isabel M Williams & Leora H McEachern
56. Yopp funeral home records by New Hanover Generalogical Society
Northampton County [formed in 1741 from Bertie]:
1. Census 1850 by David B Gammon
2. Deed books 1 & 2 (1741-1795) by Margaret M Hofmann
3. Deed books 3-5 (1759-1774) by Stephen D Bradley
4. Deed books 6-7 (1774-1787) by Stephen D Bradley
5. Estates 1781-1801 by David B Gammon
6. Estates 1792-1816 by David B Gammon
7. Marriage bonds (1812-1867 by Frances T Ingmire
8. Slave marriages by Paul Heinegg
9. Wills 1759-1808 by Margaret M Hofmann
Onslow County [formed in 1734 from New Hanover]:
1. Bible & Church records (Lower Cape Fear) by Mae B Graves
2. Cemetery records (12 vol.) by New Hanover Genealogical Society
3. Census 1860 by New Hanover Genealogical Society
4. Confederat veterans by New Hanover Generalogical Society
5. Court minutes (1755-1765) by Onslow Co Historical Society
6. Court minutes (1766-1777) by Onslow Co Historical Society
7. Court minutes (1779-1782) by John B Davis
8. Deed book A (1734-1738 & 1740-1741) by Zae H Gwynn
9. Deed book B (1744-1748) by Zae H Gwynn
10. Deed book C (1747-1754 & 1748-1752) by Zae H Gwynn
11. Deed book D (1752-1756) by Zae H Gwynn
12. Deed book E (1756-1760) by Zae H Gwynn
13. Deed book F (1760-1761) by Zae H Gwynn
14. Deed book G (1764-1765) by Zae H Gwynn
15. Deed book H (1767-1769) by Zae H Gwynn
16. Deed book I (1769-1774) by Zae H Gwynn
17. Deed book J (1774-1776) by Zae H Gwynn
18. Deed book K (1774-1778) by Zae H Gwynn
19. Deed book L (1778-1779) by Zae H Gwynn
20. Deed book M (1779-1781) by Zae H Gwynn
21. Deed book N (1785) by Zae H Gwynn
22. Deed book O (1785-1788) by Zae H Gwynn
23. Deed book P (1788-1789) by Zae H Gwynn
24. Deed book Q (1789-1791) by Zae H Gwynn
25. Deed book R (1792-1793) by Zae H Gwynn
26. Deed book S (1793-1795) by Zae H Gwynn
27. Deed book T (1795-1796) by Zae H Gwynn
28. Deed book U (1797-1800) by Zae H Gwynn
29. Deed book V (1800-1802) by Zae H Gwynn
30. Deed book W (1802-1803) by Zae H Gwynn
31. Deed book X (1804-1805) by Zae H Gwynn
32. Deed book Y (1805-1807) by Zae H Gwynn
33. Deed book 1 (1807-1808) by Zae H Gwynn
34. Deed book 2 (1808-1813) by Zae H Gwynn
35. Deed book 3 (1811-1812) by Zae H Gwynn
36. Deed book 4 (1812-1813) by Zae H Gwynn
37. Deed book 5 (1813-1814) by Zae H Gwynn
38. Deed book 6 (1814-1816) by Zae H Gwynn
39. Deed book 7 (1816-1817) by Zae H Gwynn
40. Deed book 8 (1818-1820) by Zae H Gwynn
41. Deed book 9 (1818-1819) by Zae H Gwynn
42. Deed book 10 (1819) by Zae H Gwynn
43. Deed book 11 (820-1822) by Zae H Gwynn
44. Deed book 12 (1821-1822) by Zae H Gwynn
45. Deed book 13 (1822-1824) by Zae H Gwynn
46. Deed book 14 (1824-1825) by Zae H Gwynn
47. Deed book 15 (1825-1826) by Zae H Gwynn
48. Deed book 16 (1827-1828) by Zae H Gwynn
49. Deed book 17 (1828-1829) by Zae H Gwynn
50. Deed book 18 (1829-1832) by Zae H Gwynn
51. Deed book 19 (1832-1833) by Zae H Gwynn
52. Deed book 20 (1833-1834) by Zae H Gwynn
53. Deed book 21 (1834-1837) by Zae H Gwynn
54. Deed book 22 (1837-1839) by Zae H Gwynn
55. Grants (1712-1839) by Zae H Gwynn
56. Guardian accounts (1754-1860) by Zae H Gwynn
57. Marriage bonds (1764-1867) by Frances T Ingmire
58. Voter registration (1902-1908) by New Hanover Generalogical Society
59. Wills (1746-1863 by Zae H Gwynn
60. Wills (1765-1864) by Zae H Gwynn
Orange County [formed in 1752 from Johnston, Bladen, & Granville]:
1. Court minutes 1752-1761 by Mrs. Weynette P Haun
2. Court minutes 1762-1766 by Mrs. Weynette P Haun
3. Court minutes 1777-1786 by Mrs. Weynette P Haun (1767-1776 missing)
4. Court minutes 1752-1766 by Ruth H Shields
5. Court minutes 1777-1788 by Alma C Redden
6. Deed books 1 & 2 (1755-1769) by William D Bennett
7. Deed book 3 (1785-1804) by William D Bennett
8. Deed book 4 (1786-1793) by William D Bennett
9. Deed book 5 (1774-1797) by William D Bennett
10. Deed books 6 & 7 (1797-1798) by William D Bennett
11. Deed books 8 & 9 (1799-1807) by William D Bennett
12. Deed books 10 & 11 (1801-1804) by William D Bennett
13. Deed book 12 (1805-1807) by William D Bennett
14. Deed book 13 (1807-1811) by William D Bennett
15. Deed book 14 (1811-1819) by William D Bennett
16. Deed books 15 & 16 (1815-1818) by William D Bennett
17. Granville surveys & grants (1752-1760) by William D Bennett
18. Granville surveys & grants (1761-1763) by William D Bennett
19. Granville loose papers by William D Bennett
20. Granville miscellaneous papers by William D Bennett
21. Inventories & sales (1758-1785) by William D Bennett
22. Inventories & sales (1800-1808) by William D Bennett
23. Land grants (1752-1885) by Elizabeth S Bailey
24. Marriages & deaths from Hillsborough Recorder (1846-1853 by Barry Munson
25. Marriage bonds (1779-1868) by Brent Holcomb
26. Marriage bonds (1782-1868; 3 vol.) by Frances T Ingmire
27. Hillsborough newspapaers (with Edenton & Fayetteville) by Rymond P Fouts
28. State grants 1-500 by William D Bennett
29 State grants 501-1000 by William D Bennett
30. Wills 1800-1850 by Ruth H Shields
31. Will books A-C by Ruth H Shields
Pamlico County [formed in 1872 from Craven & Beaufort]:
1. Cemeteries by Dixie T Willis
Pasquotank County [formed in 1668 from Albemarle]:
1. Births, marriages, & deaths 1691-1833 by Mrs. Weynette P Haun
2. Census 1850 by Edna M Shannonhouse
3. Census 1860 by Albemarle Genealogical Society
4. Court minuttes 1737-1746 by Mrs. Weynette P Haun
5. Court minutes 1747-1753 by Mrs. Weynette P Haun
6. Court minutes 1754-1762 by Mrs. Weynette P Haun
7. Deed books A, B, C, A, & B (1700-1751) by Gwen B Byorkman
8. Marriage bonds (1767-1868) by Frances T Ingmire
9. Quaker marriage certificates (1677-1800) by Gwen B Bjorkman
10. Relationships in Deeds 1700-177 by Edna M Wood
11. Wills 1752-1798 by Edna M Wood
Pender County [formed in 1875 from New Hanover]:
1. Bible & church records (2 vol.) Mae B Graves
2. Cemeteries (Lower Cape Fear) by New Hanover Genealogical Society
3. Gravestone records (5 vol.) by The Bookery
4. Voter registration 1902-1908 by New Hanover Genealogical Society
Perquimans County [formed in 1668 from Albemarle]:
1. Births, marriages, & deaths 1659-1820 by Mrs. Weynette P Haun
2. Census 1850 by Edna M Shannonhouse
3. Court minutes 1688-1738 by Mrs. Weynette P Haun
4. Court minutes 1738-1754 by Mrs. Weynette P Haun
5. Deed books A & B (1681-1729) by Mrs. Weynette P Haun
6. Marriage bonds (1758-1865) by Frances T Ingmire
7. Quaker Marriage certificates (1677-1800) by Gwen B Bjorkman
Person County [formed in 1791 from Caswell]:
1. Deed books A-G (1792-1825) by Katharine K Kendell
2. Estates 1775, 1776, 1784, 1791-1951 by James M Valsama
3. Grants & taxes 1794-1805 & 1823 by Katharine K Kendell
4. Marriage bonds 1792-1868 by Katharine K Kendell
5. Marriage bonds (1792-1868) by Frances T Ingmire
Pitt County [formed in 1760 from Beaufort]:
1. Census 1800 by Elizabeth Ross & Roger Kammerer
2. Census 1850 by Elizabeth Ross & Roger Kammerer
3. Deed (1761-1785) by Judith D Ellison
4. Deed books I, L, M, N, & O (1782-1801) by Judith D Ellison
5. Deed books P, Q, R, S, T, & V (1801-1817) by Judith D Ellison
6. Deed books AA-DD (1817-1832) by Judith D Ellison
7. Marriages by Elizabeth Ross & Roger Kammerer
Polk County [formed in 1855 from Rutherford & Henderson]::
1. Census 1860 by Charles Padget
2. Census 1860 by Broad River Genealogical Society
3. Census 1880 by Frankie Monteith
4. Marriages 1847-1945 by Joseph A Cowart
5. Marriage bonds (1847-1868 by Blanche Culbreth
6. Wills (1855-1910) by Grace Turner & Miles Philbeck
Randolph County [formed in 1779 from Guilford]:
1. Census 1850 by Nancy W Simpson
2. Court minutes 1779-1782 by Carolyn Hager
3. Deed books 1-5 (1779-1794) by Barbara N Grigg
4. Marriage bonds (1785-1868) by Frances T Ingmire
5. Tax 1815 by William P Johnson
6. Tax 1820 by Barbara N Grigg & Carolyn Hager
Richmond County [formed in 1779 from Anson]:
1. Marriage bonds (1783-1868) by Frances T Ingmire
2. Records by Joe M McLaurin
3. Scattered seed (4 volumes) by Myrtle N Bridges
Robeson County [formed in 1787 from Bladen]:
1. Census 1850 Mrs. H J Dunavant (DAR)
2. Deed book D (1793-1797) by Frances Williamson
3. Deed book G (1797-1800) by Frances Williamson
4. Marriage bonds (1799-1868) by Frances T Ingmire
5. Miscellanea 1868-1900 by Morris F Britt
6. Voter registration (1902-1908) by New Hanover Generalogical Society
Rockingham County [formed in 1785 from Guilford]:
1. Bible records (2 vol). by J Humter Chapter DAR
2. Census 1850 by J Hunter Chapter DAR
3. Census 1860 by J Hunter Chapter DAR
4. Census 1870 Mrs. J L McCollum
5. Deed books A-E (1785-1800) by Irene B Webster
6. Marriage bonds (1785-1868) by Frances T Ingmire
7. Voter registration 1902-1908 Julia H Gunn
8. Wills (1785-1865) by Irene B Webster
9. Wills (1865-1915) Julia H Gunn
Albemarle Genealogical Society, Box 87, Currituck, NC 27929
Mrs. Robert T Allen, 1806 Maxwell Ave, Balitmore, MD 21222
Doris A Askea, Box 1086, Kernersville, NC 27285
Elizabeth S Bailey, 6146 Snow Camp Rd, Graham, NC 27253
Linda A Bell, 107 Bentley St, Mount Holly, NC 28120
William D Bennett, Clearfield Pub. Co, Baltimore, MD
Gwen B Bjorkman, Herigate Books, 1540E Pointer Ridge Pl, Suite 106, Bowie, MD 20716
The Bookery, 318 Nutt St, Wilmington, NC 28401
Stephen E Bradley (see
Mrytle N Bridges
Doris F Briscoe, 3137 Commonwealth Ave, Charlotte, NC 28203
Morris F Britt, 5805 Sharon Rd, Charlotte, NC 28210
Broad River Genealogical Society, Box 2261, Shelby, NC 28151
Burke Co Genealogical Soc, Box 661, Morganton, NC 28680
Juanita E Caldwell (Broad River Gen. Society, Box 2261, Shelby, NC 28150
Gertrude S Carraway, DAR, New Bern
Catawba County Genealogical Society, Box 2406, Hickory, NC 28603
James V Comer, Box 2681, Sanford, NC 27331
Joseph A Cowart, 829 Indian River Dr, Cocoa, FL 32922
Cumberland County Genealogical Society
Davidson County Genealogical Society, Box 1665, Lexington, NC 27292
Davie County Genealogical Society, Mocksville, NC
John B Davis, 1011 Brookgreen Dr, Cary, NC 27511
Herman W Ferguson, (see
Forsyth Co Genealogical Society, Box 5715, Winston Salem, NC 27113
Raymond P Fouts, GenRec Books, Box 9012, Coca, FL 32922
Mae B Graves, 438 Sloop Point Rd, Hampstead, NC 28443
Barbara N Grigg (Randolph Co Genealogical Society, Asheboro, NC)
Julia H Gunn, 238 Gunntown Rd, Reidsville, NC 27320
Zae M Gwynn
Caolyn Hager (Randolph Co Genealogical Society, Asehboro, NC)
Mrs. Weynette P Haun, 243 Argonne Dr, Durham, NC 27704
Delmas D Haskett (New Hanover Co Genealogical Society)
Brent Holcomb, Box 21766, Columbia, SC 29221
Clarence E Horton
Joan L Howell, Generations Past, 8374A Newsome Mill Rd, Lucama, NC 27851
J Hunter Chapter DAR, Mrs. Lee McCollum, 307 Carter St, Madison, NC 27025
Haynes Ienon
Frances T Ingmire, Byron Sistler, Box 120934, Nashville, TN 37212
Vivian P Jackson & Marilyn P Laird, 1052 Dorothy Street, Cape Girardeau, MO 63701
Katherine K Kendell
Jo White Linn, Box 978, Salisbury, NC 28144
Marguerite B McCall, Edenton, Chowan County, NC
Mrs. J L McCollum, 307 Carter St, Madison, NC 27025
Leora H McEachern, Lower Cape Fear Historical Soc, Box 813, Wilmington, NC 28402
Joe M McLaurin
Elizabeth F McKoy
Lea Morris, Hunsucker Printing Co, Box 219, Asheboro, NC 27204
Barry Munson, 603 Maple St, Greenville, NC 27858
William L Murphy jr
Charlotte Norris & Ann Sawyer (Camden County Historical Soc)
A E Parker, Moore Co Historical Assoc., Box 324, Southern Pines, NC 28388
Charles Padgett, Old Tryon Genealogical Society, Box 938, Forest City, NC 28043
Betsy D Pittman, 107 Hilltop Ave, Valdese, NC 28190
Clay C Puett, 17 E Ruth Ave #303, Pheonix, AZ 85020
S Arnold Ramey, Box 32, Lattimore, NC 28089
Randolph Co Genealogical Society, 201 Worth St, Asheboro, NC 27203
Alma C Redden, Southern Historical Press, Box 1267, Greenville, NC 29602
Alvaretta K Register, 3514 Monroe Place, Norfolk, VA 23507
Elizabeth Ross & Roger Kammerer, 307 S Library St, Greenville, NC 27858
Edna M Shannonhouse, Museum of Albemarle, Rt. 6 Hwy 17 S, Elizabeth City, NC 27909
Elizabeth B Sherrill, Heritage Books
Ruth H Shields, Southern Historical Press, Box 1267, greenville, SC 29602
Thelma P Simmons & David R Taylor, Genealogical Publishing Co, Baltimore, MD
Nancy W Simpson, Rt. 3 Box 59, Wilkesboro, NC 28697
Stanley Co Genealogical Society, Box 31, Albemarle, NC 28002
Daniel D Swink, Rt. 2 Box 173A, Lawndale, NC 28091
Toe Valley Genealogical Society, 491 Beaver Creek Rd, Spruce Pine, NC 28777
James M Valsama (N C Archives)
Alexander M Walker (New Hanover Co Genealogical Society)
John Walker, Generations Past, 8374A Newsome Mill Rd, Lucama, NC 27851
Joseph W Watson, 406 Piedmond Ave, Rocky Mount, NC 27801
Irene B Webster, Sothern Historical Press, Box 1267, Greenville, SC 29602
Frances Williamson, 4606 Kling Dr, Alexandria, VA 22312
Isabel M Williams & Leora H McEachern, Lower Cape Fear Historical Soc, Box 813, Wilmington, NC 28402
Ruth S Williams & Margaret G Griffin
Sally Williams, Box 1035, North Highlands, CA 95660
Dixie T Willis, 1311 Helen Ave, New Bern, NC 28560
Edna M Wood, Box 60, Shiloh, NC