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Books about South Carolina Marriages
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Following books written and sold by Barbara R Langdon, 132 Langdon Rd, Aiken, SC  29805:
1. South Carolina Marriages Volume 1 (1749-1867) Implied in South Carolina Equity Reports; soft cover, 204 pages.  Contains marriage clues from all over South Carolina including the burned counties of Beaufort, Colleton, Georgetown, & Orangeburg and others which have sustained record loss: Abbeville, Chesterfield, Darlington, Lancaster, Lexington, Marion, Richland, & Williamsburg.  Self indexed; 1,794 entries.  Price: $20.00

2. South Carolina Marriages Volume 2 (1735-1885) Implied in South Carolina Law Reports; soft cover, 172 pages.  Contains marriage clues from all over South Carolina including the burned counties of Beaufort, Colleton, Georgetown, & Orangeburg and others which have sustained record loss: Abbeville, Chesterfield, Darlington, Lancaster, Lexington, Marion, Richland, & Williamsburg.  Self indexed; 1,452 entries.  Price: $20.00

3. South Carolina Marriages Volume 3 (1671-1794) Implied in the Provincial & Miscellaneous Records of South Carolina; soft core; 224 pages.  Contains clues from searching South Carolina's earliest records.  The records are mainly for individuals who lived in or near Charleston or close to the coastal region.  Self indexed; 1,958 entries.  Price: $20.00

4. South Carolina Marriages Volume 4 (1787-1875) Implied in the Miscellaneous Records of South Carolina; soft cover; 290 pages.  Contains marriage clues from all over South Carolina.  Self indexed; 2,271 entries.  Price $25.00

5. South Carolina Marriages Volume 5 (1749-1853) Implies in the Marriage Settlements of South Carolina; soft cover; 376 pages.  Contains marriage clues from predominantly the Low Country or near Charleston as well as for other parts of South Carolina.  Self indexed; 2,568 entries.  Price $30.00

6. South Carolina Marriages Volume 6 (1753-1843) Implied in the Miscellaneous Records of South Carolina; soft cover; 278 pages.  Contains marriage clues from all over the colony or state of South Carolina.  There are European marriages of individuals with ties to South Carolina.  Self indexed; 2,554 entries.  Price: $25.00

7. South Carolina Marriages Volume 7 (1794-1877) Implied in the Miscellaneous Records and Marriage Settlements of South Carolina; soft cover; 193 pages.  Contains marriage clues from all over South Carolina including some from the burned counties of Beaufort, Colleton, Georgetown, & Orangeburg and others which have sustained record loss: Abbeville, Chesterfield, Darlington, Lancaster, Lexington, Marion, Richland, & Williamsburg.  Self indexed; 1,606 entries.  Price $25.00

8. Abbeville County Marriages (1780-1879) Implied in Abbeville County, South Carolina, Equity Records; soft cover; 250 pages.  Contains marriage clues from searching Abbeville County Equity Records boxes 1 through 70. Self indexed; 2,506 entries.  Price: $20.00

9. Barnwell County Marriages (1775-1879) Implied in Barnwell County, South Carolina, Probate & Equity Records; soft cover; 188 pages.  Contains marriage clues from searching Barnwell County Probate bundles 1 through 186 and Barnwell County Equity Records which are loose papers in bundles. Self indexed; 2,786 entries.  Price: $20.00

10. Barnwell County Marriages (1764-1859) Implied in Barnwell County, South Carolina, Deeds; soft cover; 118 pages. Contains marriage clues from searching Barnwell County deed books 1A, 1, 2, 3, A through X, and AA through LL.  Self indexed; 1,539 entries.  Price: $20.00

11. Chester County Marriages (1778-1879) Implied in Chester County, South Carolina, Probate & Equity Records; soft cover; 221 pages.  Contains marriage clues found in Chester County Probate and Equity Records. Self indexed; 2,894 entries.  Price: $20.00

12. Edgefield County Marriages (1769-1880) Implied in Edgefield County, South Carolina, Probate Records; soft cover; 245 pages.  Contains marriage clues found in Edgefield County Probate Papers 1785-1880 boxes 1 through 75. Self indexed; 3,240 entries.  Price: $25.00

13. Fairfield County Marriages 1775-1879 Implied in Fairfield County, South Carolina, Probate Records; soft cover; 262 pages.  Contains marriage clues found in Fairfield County Probate Papers 1780-1865. Self indexed; 2,432 entries.  Price: $25.00

14. Laurens County Marriages 1793-1909 Implied in Laurens County, South Carolina, Probate Records; soft cover; 116 pages.  Contains marriage clues found in Laurens County Probate Papers 1793-1909.  Self indexed.  Price $29.

15. Spartanburg County Marriages 1785-1911 Implies in Spartanburg, South Carolina, Probate Records; soft cover; 317 pages.  Contains marriage clues found in Spartanburg County loose Probate Papers boxes 1 through 75 and oversized flat folios 1 through 13.  Self indexed; 4,007 entries.  Price: $25.00

16. York County Marriages 1770-1869 Implied in York County, South Carolina Probate Records; soft cover; 100 pages.  Contains marriage clues found in York County Estate Papers. Self indexed; 2,341 entries.  Price: $15.00

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Shipping & Handling: $3.95 for first book, $1.00 for each additional book ($8.00 maximum).  Orders outside US, add $3.00

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Order address:
Southern Stage Books
132 Langdon Road
Aiken, SC  29805