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Books on Land Entries, Warrants, & Grants in North Carolina
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[Note: an index has been compiled for most of the following land entry books (between 1778 and 1795); see page for "Books by ABP Abstracts"]
Published North Carolina Land Entries:
Anson County 1778-1795 1,660 entries by A B Pruitt (1987)
Anson County 1795-1797 752 entries by A B Pruitt (1990)
Ashe County 1800-1823 4,061 entries by A B Pruitt (1994)
Bertie County 1776-1794 552 entries by A B Pruitt (1992)
Beaufort County 1778-1795 1,023 entries by Mrs. W. P. Haun (1983)
Bladen County 1778-1780 1,510 entries by A B Pruitt (1989)
Bladen County warrants 1778-1803 4,382 items by A B Pruitt (2001)
Brunswick County 1794-1820 2,478 entries by A B Pruitt (1989)
Brunswick County warrants 1778-1800 1,477 items by A B Pruitt (2001)
Buncombe County 1794-1796 5,040 entries by A B Pruitt (2000)
Burke County Jan.-Dec. 1778 1,607 entries by Mrs. Edith W. Huggins (1977)
Burke County 1779-1789 about 1,000 entries by Mrs. Edith W Huggins (1978)
Burke County 1791-1795 1,370 entries by A B Pruitt (2001)
Bute County 1778-1779 345 entries by A B Pruitt (1992)
Cabarrus County 1793-1795 127 entries by A B Pruitt (1990)
Camden County 1778-1795 216 entries by A B Pruitt (1992)
Caldwell County 1841-1848; 765 entries by John O Hawkins
Carteret County 1778-Feb. 1803 1,063 entries by A B Pruitt (1991)
Caswell County 1778-1795 and 1841-1863 1,430 entries by A B Pruitt (1990)
Chatham County 1778-1790 1,356 entries by A B Pruitt (1990)
Chowan County 1787-1795 52 entries by A B Pruitt (1992)
Chowan County warrants (1778-1932) by A B Pruitt (1999)
Craven County 1778-1796 1,870 entries by A B Pruitt (1991)
Cumberland County 1778-1795 2,983 entries by A B Pruitt (1991)
Currituck County 1778-1795 320 entries by A B Pruitt (1992)
Dobbs County 1778-1790 985 entries by W. L Murphy (1984)
Duplin County 1778-1795 1,988 entries by A B Pruitt (1991)
Edgecombe County 1784 33 entries (unknown number lost) by A B Pruitt (1992)
Edgecombe County warrants 1778-1900 986 items by A B Pruitt (2001)
Franklin County 1779-1781 43 entries by A B Pruitt (1992)
Gates County 1779-1794 143 entries by A B Pruitt (1992)
Gates County warrants 1778-1888) by A B Pruitt (1999)
Glasgow County 1790-1797 281 entries by W. L Murphy (1985)
Granville County 1778-1877 1,200 entries by A B Pruitt (1988)
Guilford County 1779-1796 1,115 entries (1,854 burned) by A B Pruitt (1987)
Guilford County warrants 1778-1932 2,847 items by A B Pruitt (2000)
Halifax County 1778-1795 643 entries by A B Pruitt (1992)
Hertford County (no entries in Secretary of State's papers)
Hertford County warrants 1778-1904 by A B Pruitt (1999)
Hyde County 1778-1795 942 entries by A B Pruitt (1991)
Iredell County 1789-1804 812 entries by A B Pruitt (1990)
Johnston County 1778-1805 1,839 entries by Mrs. W. P. Haun (1980)
Johnston County 1737-1899 679 surveys & entries by Mrs. W. P. Haun (1993)
Jones County 1779-1795 1,000 entries by Mrs. Zae H. Gwynn (1968)
Jones County 1796-1797 177 entries by A B Pruitt (1991)
Lenoir County 1792-1795 129 entries by W. L. Murphy (1989)
Lincoln County 1779-1780 97 entries by A B Pruitt (1987)
Lincoln County 1783-1795 1,676 entries by A B Pruitt (1987)
Lincoln County 1798-1825 2,838 entries by A B Pruitt (1987)
Lincoln County 1780 and 1795-1797 811 entries by A B Pruitt (1988)
Lincoln County 1826-1952 1,626 entries by A B Pruitt (1997)
Martin County 1778-1797 605 entries by A B Pruitt (1992)
McDowell County 1843-1869 2,419 entries by Mr. & Mrs. J. O. Crow (1982)
Mecklenburg County 1778-1795 1,954 entries by A B Pruitt (1988)
Montgomery County 1778-1795 1,580 entries by A B Pruitt (1988)
Moore County 1784-1795 1,580 entries by A B Pruitt (1988)
Nash County 1778-1794 614 entries by A B Pruitt (1992)
New Hanover County 1778-1796 1,157 entries by A B Pruitt (1991)
New Hanover County grants 315 pages by Mae Blake Graves (1980)
Northampton County 1778-1794 232 entries by A B Pruitt (1992)
Onslow County 1778-1796 (partial) 14 pages by Mrs. Zae H. Gwynn (1961)
Onslow County 1778-1796 1,466 entries by A B Pruitt (1991)
Orange County 1778-1795 1,807 entries by A B Pruitt (1990)
Pasquotank County 1778-1795 68 entries by A B Pruitt (1992)
Perquimans County 1779-1795 321 entries by A B Pruitt (1992)
Perquimans County warrants (1778-1940) by A B Pruitt (1999)
Person County 1792-1795 11 entries by A B Pruitt (1990)
Pitt County 1778-1797 1,570 entries by A B Pruitt (1991)
Randolph County 1779, 1780, & 1783-1801 2,085 entries by Griggs, Hager, & Pruitt (1995)
Randolph County 1801-1833 2,600 entries by A B Pruitt (1996)
Randolph County warrants 1778-1948 3,445 items by A B Pruitt (2001)
Richmond County 1780-1795 1,411 entries by A B Pruitt (1988)
Robeson County 1787-1795 1,980 entries by A B Pruitt (1988)
Rockingham County 1790-1795 177 entries (88 lost) by A B Pruitt (1987)
Rockingham County warrants 1778-1925 949 items by A B Pruitt (2001)
Rowan County Feb. 1778-Dec. 1778 1,876 entries by A B Pruitt (1987)
Rowan County Dec. 1778-Feb. 1795 1,660 entries by A B Pruitt (1987)
Rutherford County 1779-1795 2,363 entries by A B Pruitt (1989)
Rutherford County 1795-1803 2,632 entries by A B Pruitt (1989)
Rutherford County 1804-1824 4,557 entries by A B Pruitt (1994)
Sampson County 1784-1795 and 18531860 1,198 entries by A B Pruitt (1991)
Stokes County 1790-1798 707 entries by A B Pruitt (1987)
Surry County 1778-1781 2,179 entries by Wells, Phillips, & Leonard (1987)
Surry County 1784-1795 1,517 entries by A B Pruitt (1988)
Tyon County Jan. 1778-Apr. 1779 666 entries by A B Pruitt (1987)
Tyrrell County 1778-1794 1,230 entries by A B Pruitt (1991)
Wake County 1778-1846 2,174 entries by Mrs. W. P. Haun (1980)
Warren County 1779-1791 38 entries by A B Pruitt (1992)
Wayne County 1780-1795 699 entries by W. L. Murphy (1986)
Wilkes County 1778-1781 1,944 entries by Mrs. W. O. Absher (1971)
Wilkes County 1783-1795 2,005 entries by A B Pruitt (1990)
Wilkes County 1799-1810 3,369 entries by A B Pruitt (1994)
Related book:
Petitions for Land Grant Suspensions in North Carolina (1776-1836) 1,611 petitions (1993) by A B Pruitt
Tennessee Land Entries:
John Armstrong's Office 2,662 entries & 574 surveys by A B Pruitt (1995)
Military bounty land: Martin Armstrong's & William Christmas' Office 6,360 entries and about 8,000 locations by A B Pruitt (1996)
Washington Co: John and Landon Carter's Office about 3,300 warrants by A B Pruitt (1997)
Greene Co, Sullivan Co, & miscellaneous offices by A B Pruitt (1999)
Glasgow land fraud vol. 1: determination of legality of some military warrants by A B Pruitt (1988)
Glasgow land fraud vol. 2: history of the case & related items by A B Pruitt (1993)
Colonial Land Entries:
Bladen County 1735-1761 1,271 warrants by Miles Philbeck (1985)
Upper Broad River Basin Pioneers 1750-1760 836 warrants and petitions by Miles Philbeck (1984)
Mecklenburg County 1765-1768 2,013 warrants by Miles Philbeck (1989)
Mecklenburg County surveys; 2,598 surveys by Miles Philbeck (1988)
Tryon County 1768-1774 731 warrants by Miles Philbeck (1987)
Tryon County 1772 165 warrants by John H Smith in SC Mag. of Ancestral Res. 24 (3) p. 123-128 & (4) 187-191 (1996)
Tryon County surveys; 1,867 surveys by Miles Philbeck (1987)
Dobbs County grants 1759-1775 848 grants by W L Murphy (1992)
Colonial land entries 1735-1752 3,241 entries by A B Pruitt (1994)
Colonial land entries 1753-1756 3,687 entries by A B Pruitt (1994)
Colonial land entries 1758-1768 6,216 entries by A. B. Pruitt (1994)
Colonial land entries 1769-1774 5,819 entries by A. B. Pruitt (1995)
North Carolina Headrights (1663-1744) by Caroline B Whitley (2001)
Colonial grants by Mrs. Margaret M. Hofmann:
Province (Proprietary) grants 1663-1729 3,247 grants (1979)
Grants from the King's office:
volume 1 1735-1764 7,613 grants (1982)
volume 2 1765-1775 9,158 grants (1984)
Grants from Granville's office:
volume 1 (Anson, Beaufort, Bertie, Bladen, Chowan, Cumberland, Currituck, Dobbs, & Edgecombe Counties) 1,305 grants (1986)
volume 2 (Granville, Halifax, Hyde, Johnston, Northampton, Orange, & Tyrrell Counties) 2,777 grants (1987)
volume 3 (Pasquotank, Perquimans, Pitt, & Rowan Counties) 1,305 grants (1989)
volume 4 (Anson, Beaufort, Bertie, Bladen, Chowan, Cumberland, Currituck, Dobbs, Edgecombe,& Granville Counties) 3,945 grants (1993)
volume 5 (Anson, Granville, Halifax, Hertford, Hyde, Johnston, Northampton, Orange, Pasquotank, Perquimans, Pitt, Rowan, & Tyrrell Counties) 4,645 grants (1995)
State Grants:
volume 1; grant books 28-33 (various counties) (1999)
volume 2; grant books 34-39 (various counties) (2003)
Related book:
Colonial Petitons for Land Resurveys and Caveats of Land Warrants (1993) by A B Pruitt
Mrs. W. O. Absher (Wilkes Co. Gen. Society, Box 1629, N. Wilkesboro, NC 28659)
J. O. Crow, 111 Julia Dr, Lincolnton, NC 28092
Mrs. Z. H. Gwynn (from Genealogical Pub. Co., 1001 N. Calvert, Baltimore, MD 21202)
Mrs. W. P. Haun, 243 Argonne Dr, Durham, NC 27704
John O Hawkins, Caldwell Co Genealogical Society, Box 2476, Lenior, NC 28645
Mrs. Margaret M. Hofmann, Box 446, Roanoke Rapids, NC 27870
E. W. Huggins (from Bryon Sistler & Assoc., Box 120834, Nashville, TN 37212)
W. L. Murphy (from Watson Brown, Box 27962, Raleigh, NC 27611)
A. B. Pruitt, Box 815, Whitakers, NC 27891
M. Philbeck (Tryon Co Gen. Society, Box 938, Forest City, NC 28043)
A. M. Wells, 521 N. Franklin Rd, Mount Airy, NC 27030
Caroline B Whitley (North Carolina Cul. Resources, Publication Div, Raleigh, NC)
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