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Alamance Co
![]() Alebmarle Co
![]() Alexander Co
![]() Alleghany Co
![]() Anson Co
![]() Ashe Co
![]() Avery Co
![]() Bath Co
![]() Beaufort Co
![]() Bertie Co
![]() Bladen Co
![]() Brunswick Co
![]() Buncombe Co
![]() Burke Co
![]() Bute Co
![]() Cabarrus Co
![]() Caldwell Co
![]() Camden Co
![]() Carteret Co
![]() Caswell Co
![]() Catawba Co
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Alemance to Catawba
NOTE: This website moved to:
Note: Some of these books may be out of print, but you will know what to look for in the library. Addresses for some authors are only partial.
Note number 2: The dates are generally the RECORDING date of the deed NOT the date the deed was written.
Alamance County [formed in 1849 from Orange]:
1. Bethel Methodist Church cenetery 1840-1897 by Alemance Co Historical Museum
2. Cemeteries: Piedmont North Carolina by L S Hornaday
3. Census 1850 by Marion D Chiarito
4. County map 1893 & 1928 by Alemance Co Historical Museum
Albemarle County [formed in 1664; abolished in 1739 & became Chowan, Currituck, Pasquotank, & Perqimans]:
1. Warrants & surveys 1681-1706 by Mrs. Weynette P Haun
2. Miscellaneous records 1678-1737 by Mrs. Weynette P Haun
Alexander County [formed in 1847 from Iredell, Caldwell, & Wilkes]:
1. Ceneteries (6 vol.) by Alexander Co Ancestry Assoc
2. Census 1870 by Eveline D Miller
3. Census 1880 by Eveline D Miller
4. Census 1850-1880 by J J H Pool
5. County Commissoners Minutes 1868-1870 by Linda R Correll
6. Deed books 1, A, B, & C (1847-1875) by Russell C Black jr
7. wills 1847-1910 by Grace Turner & Miles Philbeck
Alleghany County [formed in 1859 from Ashe]:
1. Cemeteries through 1906 by Lou R Landreth
2. Marriages 1849-1900 by Geroge H Latham
Anson County [formed in 1750 from Bladen]:
1. Early records by May W McBee
2. Deed books A, B, C, 1, 3, 5, & 6 (1749-1766) by Brent H Holcomb
3. Deed books 4, 7, & B2 (1779-1783, 1757-1770, 1783-1795) by A B Pruitt
4. Deed books H1, K, & H (1767, 1771-1778, 1781-1787) by A B Pruitt
5. Deed books D, C2, & E (1790-1799) by A B Pruitt
6. Deed books F, G, H2, L, & M (1793-1809) by A B Pruitt
7. Deed books N, S, O, & P (1804-1816) by A B Pruitt
8. Deed books Q, R, T, & U (1814-1825) by A B Pruitt
9. Deed books V, W, & X (1824-1831) by A B Pruitt
10. Deed books Y & Z (1831-1838) by A B Pruitt
11. Wills 1799-190 by Grace Turner
Ashe County [formed in 1799 from Wilkes]:
1. Census 1800 & 1810 by Wilkes Co Genealogical Society
2. Census 1830 by Ashe Co Historical Society
3. Census 1850 by Ashe Co Historical Society
4. Census 1860 by Ashe Co Historical Society
5. Marriages 1819-1871 by Frances T Ingmire
6. Wills 1799-1910 by Grace Turner & Miles Philbeck
Avery County [formed in 1911 from Mitchell, Watauga, & Caldwell]:
Bath County [formed in 1696; abolished in 1739 & became Beaufort, Craven, & Hyde]:
1. Deed books 1-14 (1696-1720) by Steven D Denmark
Beaufort County [formed in 1705 from Bath]:
1. Cemetery records (WPA) by Beaufort Co Genealogical Society
2. Death certificates 1913-1914 by Mars W Disharoon & Sybble Smithwick
3. Deed books 1-4 (1696-1728) by Steven D Denmark
4. Deed book 1 (1696-1729) by Allen H Norris & John H Oden III
5. Marriages & deaths from Washington, NC, newspaper by Beaufort Co Genealogical Society
6. Orphans book A by Mrs. Weynette P Haun
7. Orphans book B by Mrs. Weynette P Haun
8. Wills 1720-1868 by Beaufort Co Genealogical Society
Bertie County [formed in 1722 from Chowan]:
1. Census 1850 by Stephen E Bradley
2. Court minutes 1724-1739 by Mrs. Weynette P Haun
3. Court minutes 1740-1762 by Mrs. Weynette P Haun
4. Court minutes 1763-1771 by Mrs. Weynette P Haun
5. Court minutes 1772-1780 by Mrs. Weynette P Haun
6. Court minutes 1781-1787 by Mrs. Weynette P Haun
7. Court minutes 1788-1792 by Mrs. Weynette P Haun
8. Deed book A (1720-1726) by Mary B Bell
9. Deed books B & C (1725-1730 & 1739) by Mary B Bell
10. Deed books D & E (1730-1730) by Mary B Bell
11. Deed book F (1739-1744) by Mary B Bell
12. Deed book G (1744-1753) by Mary B Bell
13. Deed book H (1753-1757) by Mary B Bell
14. Deed book M (1772-1785 by Stephen D Bradley
15. Deed book N (1785-1794) by Stephen D Bradley
16. Deed index (1720-1825) by Mary B Bell
17. Estates 1728-1744 & 1762-1790 by David B Gammon
18. Marriage register 1869-1872 by Raymond P Fouts
19. Marriage bonds 1759-1866 by Frances T Ingmire
20. Wills 1728-1744 & 1762-1790 by David B Gammon
21. Wills 1788-1800 by David B Gammon
22. Wills 1761-1780 by Sandra L Almasy
Bladen County [formed in 1734 from New Hanover]:
1. Bible & church records by Mae B Graves
2. Cemeteries (Lower Cape Fear) by New Hanover Genealogical Society
3. Cemeteries (4 vol.) by Bladen Stars Chapter UDC
4. Census 1790 by Bladen Co Historical Society
5. Census 1800 by Bladen Co Historical Society
6. Census 1810 by Bladen Co Historical Society
7. Census 1820 by Bladen Co Historical Society
8. Census 1830 by Bladen Co Historical Society
9. Census 1840 by Bladen Co Historical Society
10. Census 1850 by Bladen Co Historical Society
11. Census 1860 by Vivian McDowell
12. Deeds 1738-1804 by Brent H Holcomb
13. Deed books 1, 11, & 23 (1769-1784) by Wanda S Campbell
14. Deed books 8 & 10 (1806-1841) by Wanda S Campbell
15. Tax 1763 by New Hanover Genealogical Society
16. Tax (insolvants) 1781 by New Hanover Genealogical Society
17. Tax 1784 by New Hanover Genealogical Society
18. Tax 1788 by New Hanover Genealogical Society
19. Voter registration 1902-1908 by New Hanover Generalogical Society
20. Wills 1734-1900 by New Hanover Genealogical Society
Brunswick County [formed in 1764 from New Hanover & Bladen]:
1. Bible & church records by Mae B Graves
2. Board of commissioners minutes (1868-1872 & 1873-1875, 2 vol.) by New Hanover Generalogical Society
3. Cemeteries of Southport by Carl Lounsbury
4. Census 1800 by New Hanover Genealogical Society
5. Census 1830 by New Hanover Genealogical Society
6. Census 1840 by New Hanover Genealogical Society
7. Census 1850 by Doris L Thompson
8. Census 1850 by Susan S Carson
9. Census 1860 by 1850 Company
10. Court minutes 1782-1786 & 1789-1801 by Doris L Thompson
11. Court minutes 1805-1813 by John W Butler
12. Court minutes 1814-1821 by New Hanover Generalogical Society
13. Court minutes 1821-1825 by New Hanover Generalogical Society
14. Deeds 1782-1786 and 1789-1801 by Doris L Thompson
15. Deeds 1805-1813 by John W Butler
16. Marriage bonds 1804-1867 by Frances T Ingmire
17. Tax 1890 by New Hanover Genealogical Society
18. Voter registration (1902-1908) by New Hanover Generalogical Society
19. Will book A (1764-1772) by New Hanover Generalogical Society
Buncombe County [formed in 1791 from Burke & Rutherford]:
1. Births 1858-1888 by William D Bennett
2. Cemeteries (5 vol) by Buncombe Co Genealogical Society
3. Cemeteries (1 vol) by Henderson Co Genealogical Society
4. Index to Deeds 1783-1850 by James E Wooley
5. Marriages 1851-1899 by Lillian L Stumpp
6. Voter registration 1902 by Buncombe Co Genealogical Society
Burke County [formed in 1777 in Rowan]:
1. Census 1810 by Betsy D Pittman
2. Census 1850 by Daniel D Swink
3. Census 1860 by Daniel D Swink
4. Census 1870 by Daniel D Swink & Ted K Tallent
5. Court minutes 1791-1795 by Daniel D Swink
6. Court minutes 1795-1798 by Daniel D Swink
7. Court minutes 1799-1803 by Katherine G Sullivan
8. Deeds registered 1804-1813
9. Death certificates (1920-1924) by Burke Co Genealogical Soc.
10. Estates 1776-1934 by Burke Co Library
11. Marriage bonds 1781-1968 by Frances T Ingmire
12. Marriage register (1867-1908) by Buke Co Genealogical Soc
13. Poll Book 1835 by Buncombe Co Genealogical Society
14. Tax 1815 by Betsy D Pittman
15. Wills 1777-1910 by Grace Turner & Miles Philbeck
Bute [formed in 1764 from Granville; abolished in 1779 & became Franklin & Warren]:
1. Deeds 1764-1779 by Mary H Kerr
Cabarrus County [formed in 1792 from Mecklenburg]:
1. Census 1850 by Betty L Krimminger
2. Census 1860 by Betty L Krimminger
3. Census 1870 by Betty L Krimminger
4. Census 1910 Kannapolis by Clarence E Horton
5. Census 1910 Kannapolis school by Clarence E Horton
6. Court minutes 1793-1797 by Betty J Camine
7. Court minuttes 1793-1797 by Lois M Schneider
8. Court minutes 1793-1797 & deeds by Lois M P Schneider
9. Court minutes 1797-1805 by Margaret Bost
10. Court minutes 1805-1817 by Margaret Bost
11. Court minutes 1821-1828 by Margaret Bost
12. Deed books 1-3 (1797-1801) by Lois M P Schneider
13. Marriage bonds 1793-1868 by Frances T Ingmire
Caldwell County [formed in 1841 from Burke & Wilkes]:
1. Cemeteries (4 vol.) by Mary A Montgomery
2. Cesus 1850 by Caldwell Co Genealogical Society
3. Census 1860 by Caldwell Co Genealogical Society
4. Census 1870 by Caldwell Co Genealogical Society
5. Census 1880 by Caldwell Co Genealogical Society
6. Court minutes 1841-1847 by Linda M Staley
7. Court minutes 1847-1852 by Caldwell Co Genealogical Society
8. Estates 1841-1934 by Mrs. Robert T Allen
9. Marriage register (1873-1893) by Caldwell Co Genealogical Society
10. Wills 1841-1910 by Grace Turner & Miles Philbeck
Camden County [formed in 1777 from Pasquotank]:
1. Census 1860 by Camdeon Co Historical Society
2. Census 1870 by Camdeon Co Historical Society
3. Census 1880 by Camdeon Co Historical Society
4. Census 1900 by Camdeon Co Historical Society
5. Census 1910 by Camdeon Co Historical Society
6. Family relations in deeds 1777-1854 by Elizabeth Jones
7. Wills 1755-1854 by Edna M Wood
8. Wills 1822-1891 by Dorthy G Ownes
9. Census 1850 by Edna M Shannonhoun
10. Census 1860 by Edna M Shannonhoun
11. Census 1860-1900 Charlotte Norris & Ann Sawyers
12. Relationships in Deeds 1777-1828 by Edna M Wood
Carteret County [formed in 1722 from Craven]:
1. Court minutes 1723-1747 by Rebecca W Sanders
2. Court minutes 1747-1764 by Rebecca W Sanders
3. Court minutes 1764-1777 by Rebecca W Sanders
4. Court minutes 1778-1789 by Rebecca W Sanders
5. Court minutes 1789-1799 by Rebecca W Sanders
6, Court minutes 1799-1810 by Rebecca W Sanders
7. Court minutes 1810-1820 by Rebecca W Sanders
8. Census 1850 by Thelma P Simmson & David R Taylor
9. Estates (1744-1900) by Sandra McKee
10. Marriage bonds (1755-1868 by Byron Sistler
Caswell County [formed in 1777 from Orange]:
1. Court minutes 1777-1877 by Katherine K Kendall
2. Deed books A-R (1777-1817) by Katharine K Kendall
3. Deed books S-EE (1817-1840) by Katharine K Kendall
4. Marraige bonds 1778-1868 by Katherine K Kendell
5. Marriage bonds 1778-1876 by Frances T Ingmire
6. Miscellaneous records (state grants & tax list for 1777, 1786, & 1803) by Katherine K Kendell
7. Tax list 1777, 1780, 1784 by TCL Genealogy
8. Wills 1777-1814 by Katherine K Kendell
9. Wills 1814-1843 by Katherine K Kendell
10. Wills 1843-1868 by Katherine K Kendell
Catawba County [formed in 1842 from Lincoln]:
1. Cemeteries (7 vol.) by Catawba County Genealogical Society
2. Census 1850 by Catawba County Genealogical Society
3. Census 1850 by Staley Genealogical Research
4. Census 1860 by Catawba County Genealogical Society
5. Census 1870 by Catawba County Genealogical Society
6. Court minutes 1843-1850 by Catawba County Genealogical Socitey
7. Court minutes 1850-1855 by Anne W McAllister
8. Death records 1915 by Rebecca S Hunter & James W Miller jr
9. Marriages 1840-1880 by Elizabeth B Sherrill
10. Marriages 1842-1900 (2 vol.) by Catawba County Genealogical Society
11. Probates 1843-1885 by Kathy G Sullivan
12. Wills 1842-1910 by Grace Turner & Miles Philbeck
13. Will book 1 by Elizabeth B Sherrill
Alemance Co Historical Museum, 4779 S NC 62, Burlington, NC 27215
Alexander Co Ancestry Assoc, Box 241, Hiddenite, NC 28636
Sandra L Almasy, Kensington Glen Pub, 103 Meadow Ave, Joliet, IL 60436
Ashe Co istorical SOciety, Rt 1, 148 Library Dr, West Jefferson, NC 28694
Elizabeth S Bailey
Beaufort Co Genealogical Society, Box 1089, Washington, NC 27889
Mary B Bell (Southern Historical Prress, Box 1267, Greenville, SC 29602)
William D Bennett (see
Russell C Black jr, 1485 Turnersburg Hwy, Statesville, NC 28625
Bladen Co Historical Society, Box 848, Elizabethtown, NC 28337
Buncombe Co Genealogical Society, Box 2122, Asheville, NC 28802
Burke County Genealogical Society, Box 661, Morganton, NC 28655
Burke County Library, NC Room, 204 S King St, Morganton, NC 28655
Gwen B Byorkman, Heritage Books, Baltimore, MD 20716
Stephen D Bradley (see
John W Butler (see New Hanover Genealogical Soc, Box 2536, Wilmington, NC 28402)
Caldwell Co Genealogical Society, Box 2476, Lenoir, NC 28645
Camden Co Historical Society, Box 190, Camden, NC 2791
Betty J Camin, 1904 N Main St, Mount Airy, NC 27030
Susan S Carson (New Hanover Genealogical Soc, Box 2536, Wilmington, NC 28402)
Marion D Chiarito (Clarkton Press, Rt 2 Box 533, Nathalie, VA 24577)
Linda R Correll, Rt. 3 Box 327, Taylorsville, NC 28681
Steven D Denmark, Box 308, Seahurst, WA 98062
Eleanor S Draughon, Duplin County Historical Society, Rose Hill, NC
Herman W Ferguson (see
Judith D Ellison, Old South Hist. Research, Box 872, S Miami, FL 33143
William C Fields (see
Raymond P Fouts, GenRec Books, Box 9012, Coca, FL 32922
Mae B Graves, 438 Sloop Point Rd, Hamstead, NC 28443
Barbara N Grigg, Rt. 2 Box 458, Asheboro, NC 27203
Mrs. Zae Hargett Gwynn, Clearfield Press, Genealogical Publishing Co, Baltimore, MD
Tania S Ham, 1073 Murry Dr, Jacksonville, FL 32205
Mrs. Weynette P Haun, 243 Argonne Dr, Durham, NC 27704
John O Hawkins (Caldwell Co Genealogical Society)
Henderson Co Genealogical Society, Box 2616 Hendersonville, NC 28793
Margaret M Hofmann (see
Brent Holcomb (Genealogical Publishing Co, 1001 N Calvert St, Baltimore, MD 21202)
L S Hornaday, 2016 Haw River-Hopedale Rd, Burlington, NC 27217
Frances T Ingmire (Byron Sister, Box 120934, Nashvnille, TN 37212)
Katharine K Kendall (
Mary H Kerr, Warrenton, NC
Betty L Krimminger, 412 Fairoaks Cir, Chapel Hill, NC 27516
Marilyn P Laird & V P Jackson, 15414 Drexel Ave, Colton, Ill 60419
Lou R Landreth (Alleghany Co Historical & Genealogical Society, Box 817, Sparta, NC 28673)
George H Latham, Heritage books, 1540 E Pointer Ridge Place, Bowie, MD 20716
Anne W McAllister (Catawba County Genealogical Society)
May W McBee (Genealogical Publishing Co, 1001 N Calvert St, Baltimore, MD 21202)
Sandra McKee, Box 2B, Pine Grove MHP, Sanford, NC 27330
Evelina D Miller, Rt. 2 Box 22, Hiddenite, NC 28636
Mary A Montgomery (Caldwell Co Genealogical Society)
Elizabeth Moore, Box 52, Bladensberg, MD
New Hanover Genealogical Society, Box 2536, Wilmington, NC 28402
Allen H Norris (Hyde Co Genealogical Soc, Route 1 Box 74, Fairfield, NC 27826)
Allen H Norris & J H Oden (Beaufort Co Genealogical Society, Box 1089, Washington, NC 27889
Betsy D Pittman, Rt 3 Box 64, Valdese, NC 28690
A B Pruitt, Box 815, Whitakers, NC 27891
Timothy W Rackley,
Henry Reeves & Maray J D Shoaf, 310 Forest Hill Rd, Lexington, NC 27292
Lois M P Schneider, Rt. 2 Box 270R, Troutman, NC 28166
Byron Sistler, Box 120934, Nashville, TN 37212
Staley Genealogical Researc, Box 7, Patterson, NC 28661
Lillian L Stumpp, 1819 E 12th St, Idaho Falls, Idaho 83404
Doris L Thompson (see New Hanover Genealogical Soc, Box 2536, Wilmington, NC 28402)
TLC Genealogy, Box 403369, Miami Beach, FL 33140
Joseph W Watson
Irene B Webster, 206 W Hunter St, madison, NC 27029
Wilkes Co Genealogical Society, Box 1629, N Wilkesboro, NC 28659
Jason M Williamson, Alexandria, VA
Laura Willis, Simmons Historical Publications, Melber, KY 42069
James E Wooley (Buncombe Co Genealogical Society, Box 2122, Asheville, NC 28802)